Blogging about the start of 2013 at the end of January at 2:30 in the morning because I can't seem to get some shuteye, and because I was recently reminded of the existence of this online space. Better late than never!
Here's the annual awkward family photo. It's a lot less awkward this year for some reason.
That's me on the left, beside my equally smug looking brother. As you can probably already tell, we don't like having our photos taken. My reason for "camera shyness," primarily, is that I find it so unnatural to purposely smile for a camera. I don't mind when other people pose, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Feels like I'm giving too much of myself away or something. Evidently, I also have this innate inability to look decent in a photo. Lost the genetic lottery, folks. Nothing much can be done about that.